Statistics - The Electric Age - Der Haber-Prozess

As I wrote up elsewhere , in the alternate Great War setting I am writing up, German scientist Dr. Fritz Haber, in our world the father of chemical warfare, took his prodigious talents a step further and reanimated corpses to solve Germany's desperate manpower shortages. It is time to put some statistics to that. Dr. Fritz Haber, inventor of the Haber Process Dr. Fritz Haber's revolutionary, some would say immoral, process to reanimate the recently dead relies on modern chemistry and a large electric battery to overcome some of the cessation of natural function at death. The results of the Haber Process - a term previously applied to the manufacture of nitrates for explosives - are not perfect, but they have allowed Germany to tap previously unimaginable personnel reserves. These are neither the shuffling "Habers" of later horror movies, nor the mind-controlled "Zombi" popularized in American fiction after the occupation of Haiti, but rather a reanimated,...