Bourbon Tasting Notes From Bourbon Madness Night
In cooperation with the incomparable Lindsey Pickard, the following are the tasting notes from Bourbon Madness Night, also known as "what happens when your extrovert friend organizes a small party and then gets sick and can't show up." All of the following are what I was sent as messages as we were going through my bourbon stockpile. It is worth noting that there's some synesthesia even when she's sober. I'm sharing all of this because she did a pretty good job of expressing flavor complexity in a way that I wouldn't normally manage, even if she will probably go "oh God" and hide under something as soon as I post this. She established fairly early on that bourbon's default color is apparently a dark green, like a hunter green or a rifle green, which led to some re-tasting to see what else was in there. Where possible, I have linked back to my own previous reviews of the same material. I have lightly edited and reorganized to group produ...