Gaming: Savaging Star Wars, Part VI: A Digression about Trappings
I have spent some time discussing Trappings, in various places. Trappings are, at a fundamental level, the thing that take a generic system like Savage Worlds, and make it specific or, ideally, iconic . To use another setting's example, the Glitter Boy from Rifts is at its heart a power-armored suit that has a single big gun. That description could be dropped in Starship Troopers (novel) for the Mobile Infantry and pass just as effectively. Part of the problem with d20-based games is that, over years of play, they all developed a certain... sameness. There wasn't much to differentiate Abeir-Toril from Greyhawk from Golarion from Krynn. Oh, there certainly were exceptions - d20 Rokugan was different, Athas was different, Ravenloft was different, but there were a lot of Generic Fantasy Setting games out there, which was part of what led to the d20 OGL Collapse of the late-2000s; the market was just saturated. We'd seen the same things, over and o...