Profiles in Vice - Alfred von Schlieffen, the German General Staff, and "Just Because You Can..."

Just as with loyalty, which was my first focus, it was difficult at first to find an example of diligence transformed from virtue to vice. As it happens, my current audiobook is Barbara Tuchman's The Guns of August , about the first month of the First World War. That's where today's post came from. Prussia in the age of Frederick the Great was called "an army with a state." Of course, Napoleon handily demonstrated that that army, untethered from the genius of Frederick, was about the same as any other Napoleonic-era military force (a lesson that France should've taken note of - elan is insufficient by itself!). As a reaction to this, a series of reformers in the late-Napoleonic period, most notably including Clausewitz and Scharnhorst, professionalized the officer class in much the same way that the Royal Navy professionalized over the 18th Century. Their reforms included an emphasis on staff work and planning, and the creation of a war-plans division...